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书籍作者:[英]李太郭 G.Tradescant Lay等 著 [美]李国庆 整理
图书出版社:广西师范 大学出版社



1. 真实的中国人   The Chinese as They Are
2. 对中国及中国人的观察 Observations on China and the Chinese
3. 我们在中国的生活 Our Life in China
4. 在中国北方的一个冬天 A Winter in North China
5. 神秘的中华——英人游历中国记 The Mystic Flowery Land. being a True Account of an Englishman's Travels and Adventures in China
6. 一个美国工程师在中国 An American Engineer in China
7. 穿越不为人知的陕西 Through Hidden Shensi
8. 中国城乡生活 Chinese Life in Town and Country
9. 中国之觉醒 The Awakening of China
10. 中国禁地——多伦1906年至1909年之考察 In Forbidden China.The D'Ollone Mission 1906-1909
作者:[英]李太郭 G.Tradescant Lay等 著 [美]李国庆 整理
出版社:广西师范 大学出版社

1.中国旅行记 Travels in China
[英]约翰·巴罗 John Barrow 著
2.游历中国设领事馆城市暨香港、舟山岛纪事 A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to Each of the Consular Cities of China, and to the Islands of Hong Kong and Chusan
[英]施美夫 George Smith 著
3. 英国驻华使馆设馆第一年间的北京和北京人 Peking and the Pekingese during the First Year of the British Embassy at Peking
[英]芮尼 D. F. Rennie 著
4. 中国北方游记 Journeys in North China
[英]韦廉臣 Alexander Williamson 著
5. 旧中国杂记 Bits of Old China
[美]威廉·亨特 William C. Hunter 著
6. 在华四十年 Forty Years in China
[美]纪好弼 R. H. Graves 著
7. 长江流域及其腹地 The Yangtze Valley and Beyond
[英]伊莎贝拉·伯德 Isabella L. Bird. 著
8. 中国之瓜分 The Break-up of China
[英]贝思福 Charles Beresford 著
9. 冈底斯山——在西藏的发现和探险 Trans-Himalaya: Discoveries and Adventures in Tibet
[瑞典]斯文·赫定 Sven Hedin 著
10. 四千年的农夫——中国、朝鲜和日本的永久性农业 Farmers of Forty Centuries, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan
[美] 弗兰克林·哈瑞姆·金 F. H. King 著

作者:[英]李太郭 G.Tradescant Lay等 著 [美]李国庆 整理
出版社:广西师范 大学出版社

1. 中国家庭一瞥 Glimpses into Chinese Homes [美] 伊丽莎白?耶茨 Elizabeth U. Yates 著
2. 中国一隅——通过与中国人的共同生活所进行的研究 A Corner of Cathay. Studies from Life among the Chinese [美] 阿黛尔?菲尔德 Adele M. Fielde 著
3. 另一个中国 Another China[法] 雷诺 C. M. Reynaud 著
4. 天朝之旅Among the Celestials [英] 荣赫鹏Francis Edward Younghusband 著
5. 1899年至1900年在华一年记 A Year in China 1899-1900 [英] 璧阁衔 Clive Bigham 著
6. 在中国的生活和运动 Life and Sports in China [英] 奥立弗?里德 Oliver G. Ready 著
7. 慈禧写照记With the Empress Dowager of China [美]凯瑟琳?卡尔KatharineA. Carl著
8. 一个传教团在中国A Typical Mission in China [英] 苏慧廉W. E. Soothill 著
9. 中国的船屋时光 Houseboat Days in China [英] 濮兰德 J. O. P. Bland 著
10. 汉人 The Sons of Han [英] 伯纳德?阿普沃德 Rev. Bernard Upwards 著


内容包括:1中华女儿——晚清帝国家庭生活素描 Daughters of China: Sketches of Domestic Life in the Celestial Empire (美)伊利莎?布里奇曼(裨治文夫人) Eliza Jane Gillett Bridgman 著
2新旧中国——三十年的个人回忆和观察 New China and Old: Personal Recollections and Observations of Thirty Years (英)慕雅德 Ven. Arthur E. Moule著
3圣公会浙江传教记事 The Story of the Cheh-Kiang Mission of the Church Missionary Society (英)慕雅德 Ven. Arthur E. Moule著
4满洲传教记 Mission Methods in Manchuria (英)罗约翰 John Ross著
5从北京到曼德勒——从华北经川藏和云南到缅甸之旅 From Peking to Mandalay:a Journey from North China to Burma through Tibetan Ssuchuan and Yunnan (英)庄士敦 R. F. Johnston著
6晚清宫廷见闻录 Court Life in China: the Capital, Its Officials and People (美)何德兰 Isaac Taylor Headland著
7中国的十八省府 Eighteen Capitals of China (美)威廉?埃德加?盖洛 William Edgar Geil著
8徒步穿越中国 Across China on Foot (英)丁乐梅 Edwin J. Dingle著
9河南传教廿五年 Twenty-five Years in Honan (加拿大)尹兹谋 Murdoch Mackenzie著
10在中国西南部落中 Among the Tribes in South-west China (英) 塞缪尔?克拉克 Samuel R. Clarke著


出版社: 广西师范大学出版社; 第1版 (2013年3月1日)
精装: 4688页
内容包括:1和华人同居——内地,沿岸和海上 A Residence among the Chinese: Inland, on the Coast, and at Sea(英)罗伯特?福钧 Robert Fortune著
2生活在中国人中间 Life among the Chinese(美)麦利和R. S. Maclay著
3中国人的社会生活——华人的日常生活掠影 Social Life of the Chinese: a Daguerreotype of Daily Life in China (美)卢公明 Justus Doolittle著
4清国奴隶妇人——中国妇女生活故事 Chinese Slave-Girl: a Story of Woman’s Life in China (美)约翰?戴维斯 J. A. Davis著
5在汉人中间——中国各地六年生活笔记 Among the Sons of Han: Notes of a Six Years’Residence in Various Parts of China and Formosa (英) 许妥玛夫人 Mrs. Thomas Francis Hughes著
6中国的社会 Society in China (英)道格思 Robert K. Douglas著
7熟悉的中国——我所见到的中国人 Intimate China: the Chinese as I Have Seen Them(英)立德夫人 Mrs. Archibald Little著
8中国——悠久帝国 China: the Long-Lived Empire (美)伊莉莎?鲁阿玛?溪德沫 Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore著
9围攻北京——中国对抗世界 The Siege in Peking: China Against the World (美)丁韪良 W. A. P. Martin著
10 中国长城 The Great Wall of China(美)威廉?埃德加?盖洛 William Edgar Geil著


├─中国研究外文旧籍汇刊-1(0 folders, 30 files, 3.45 GB, 3.45 GB in total.)
│1-1 The_Chinese_as_They_are.pdf47.09 MB
│1-10 In Forbidden China.The D'Ollone Mission 1906-1909.pdf173.30 MB
│1-2 Observations on China and the Chinese (1863).pdf8.95 MB
│1-3 Our life in China (1869).pdf50.79 MB
│1-4 A winter in north China (1892).pdf49.49 MB
│1-5 The mystic flowery land. Being a true account of an Englishman's travels and adventures in China (1899).pdf66.31 MB
│1-6An American Engineer in China (1900).pdf93.12 MB
│1-7 Through hidden Shensi (1902).pdf181.28 MB
│1-8 Chinese Life in Town and Country (1905).pdf22.67 MB
│1-9 The awakening of China (1907).pdf131.39 MB
│2-1 Travels in China(1804).pdf253.28 MB
│2-10 Farmers of Forty Centuries, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan (1911).pdf191.75 MB
│2-2 A narrative of an exploratory visit to each of the consular cities of China, and to the islands of Hong Kong and Chusan, in behalf of the Church Missionary Society, in the years 1844, 1845, 1846 (1847).pdf306.94 MB
│2-3 Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British embassy at Peking (1865).pdf20.90 MB
│2-4 Journeys in north China, Manchuria, and eastern Mongolia (1870).pdf25.85 MB
│2-5 Bits of old China (1885).pdf17.07 MB
│2-6 Forty Years in China_ Or, China in Transition (1895).pdf48.30 MB
│2-7 The Yangtze Valley and Beyond_ An Account of Journeys in China, Chiefly in the Province of Sze ... (1899).pdf605.04 MB
│2-8 The break-up of China; (1899).pdf23.96 MB
│2-9 Trans-Himalaya; discoveries and adventures in Tibet; (1909).pdf177.47 MB
│3-1 Glimpses into Chinese homes (1887).pdf9.66 MB
│3-10 The Sons of Hanstories of Chinese life and mission work (1908).pdf88.62 MB
│3-2 A corner of Cathay_ studies from life among the Chinese (1894).pdf227.76 MB
│3-3 Another China; notes on the Celestial empire as viewed by a Catholic bishop; (1897).pdf65.11 MB
│3-4 Among the celestials. A narrative of travels in Manchuria across the Gobi desert, through the Himalayas to India. Abridged from _The heart of acontinent._ (1898).pdf105.66 MB
│3-5 A year in China, 1899-1900 (1901).pdf86.77 MB
│3-6 Life and sport in China (1904).pdf283.51 KB
│3-7 With the Empress dowager of China (1905).pdf154.47 MB
│3-8 A typical mission in China (1907).pdf160.26 MB
│3-9 Houseboat days in China (1909).pdf143.19 MB
└─中国研究外文旧籍汇刊-2(0 folders, 20 files, 3.47 GB, 3.47 GB in total.)
4-1 Daughters of China; or, sketches of domestic life in the Celestial Empire (1853).pdf99.60 MB
4-10 Among the tribes in South-west China.pdf230.59 MB
4-2New China and old, personal recollections and observations of thirty years (1891).pdf61.98 MB
4-3 The story of the Cheh-kiang mission of the Church Missionary Society (1878).pdf93.20 MB
4-4 Mission methods in Manchuria (1903).pdf140.29 MB
4-5 From Peking to Mandalay:a Journey from North China to Burma through Tibetan Ssuchuan and Yunnan.pdf42.35 MB
4-6 Court Life in China_ The Capital, Its Officials and People (1909).pdf32.44 MB
4-7 Eighteen capitals of China (1911).pdf70.65 MB
4-8 Across China on foot; life in the interior and the reform movement (1911).pdf245.41 MB
4-9 Twenty-five years in Honan [microform] (1912).pdf91.27 MB
5-1 A Residence among the Chinese Inland, on the Coast, and at Sea.pdf364.57 MB
5-10 The great wall of China (1909).pdf666.97 MB
5-2 Life among the Chinese_ with characteristic sketches and incidents of missionary operations and prospects in China (1861).pdf22.64 MB
5-3 Social life of the Chinese (1866).pdf707.63 MB
5-4 The Chinese Slave-girl_ A Story of Woman's Life in China (1880).pdf47.10 MB
5-5 Among the Sons of Han_ Notes of a Six Years' Residence in Various Parts of China and Formosa ... (1881).pdf13.23 MB
5-6 Society in China (1894).pdf37.96 MB
5-7 Intimate China. The Chinese as I have seen them (1899).pdf407.20 MB
5-8 China the long-lived empire (1900).pdf164.65 MB
5-9 The siege in Peking, China against the world (1900).pdf14.90 MB


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